Support For Our Military Connected Students and Families
Quick Links
Tutoring for Military-Connected Students- for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a program that allows eligible college and grades K-12 students in U.S. military families to connect to a live tutor online at any time for one-to-one help with homework, studying, test prep, proofreading and more.
Khan Academy-a not-for-profit organization that believes in a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Kahn Academy allows you to take control of your learning by working on the skills you choose at your own pace with free online courses.
Focus Resilience Training For Military-Connected Families-FOCUS (Families Overcoming Under Stress) provides resilience training to military children, families, and couples. It teaches practical skills to help families and couples overcome common challenges related to military life. It helps build on current strengths and teaches new strategies to enhance communication and problem solving, goal setting, and creating a shared family story.
Military Child Education Coalition-MCEC delivers programs, services, and professional development to meet the needs of military-connected students, parents, and professionals.
Military Kids Connect-Life for military kids is full of ups and downs. From the adventure and unique experiences to frequent moves and family adjustments – Military kids may face challenges that their friends at school don’t know anything about. Connecting with other military kids can help them build resilience and find friends who understand their lives.
Military One Source-Military OneSource has one mission — to connect military family members to their best MilLife. How can Military OneSource help you achieve your goals today?
NC Support Military Children-North Carolina appreciates its military connection and strives to provide support systems to meet the unique needs of military families in education.
NCTSN-The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) was created by Congress in 2000 as part of the Children’s Health Act to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events. This unique network of frontline providers, family members, researchers, and national partners is committed to changing the course of children’s lives by improving their care and moving scientific gains quickly into practice across the U.S.
Sesame Street For Military Families-Navigating how to transition from military to civilian life isn’t always easy. Even though finding a job or building a new community can be stressful, adapting to change by framing it as another family adventure benefits everyone.
Relocating to or from Cumberland County?
Each time military families move, their students encounter different curricula or standards, different ways of measuring progress, different reports to learn to read, and even different definitions of highly-qualified teachers. The Common Core Standards will alleviate this disparity, but regardless, these tips will make it easier to transfer schools.
Quick Checklist for School/ Military Moves
From the Parent/Guardian:
Student’s birth certificate
Student’s Social Security number
Student’s health record: immunization, etc
Proof of residency/ military orders
School Information:Address, phone, numbers, and other contact information
Course Description book/Grading scale
Copy/photograph the cover and title page of each textbook
School profile/handbook
School’s web page URL
School Records:
Copy of transcript
Report cards
Withdrawal grades or progress reports
Test scores (Standardized or special programs testing, etc)
Special Programs Records as Appropriate
Individual Education Plan, IEP/ Individual Accommodation Plan (504)/ Gifted Program Description
ELL English Language Learner or Bilingual education
At-Risk or other action plans for classroom modifications
Other Documents and Examples:
Writing samples or other work samples
Activities records (co/extracurricular)
Other work or performance examples
Community service or service-learning
Academic Recognition and competition participation
Information recommended by the Military Child Coalition- @here
Transitioning Families
Support for Relocation-At, they know from personal experience that military moves, travel, and frequent change are part of military culture. Finding military-friendly businesses in new communities and resources that aid a mobile lifestyle can become an overwhelming task. MilitaryAvenue exists to attempt to ease these burdens!
Military Family Network-The role of the Military Family Network is to support military families and increase their readiness and well-being by connecting them with their communities. Organizations are provided that have been found to have the best services and value.