School Profile
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Grades 3 – 5
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Choice Program: Communications w/Foreign Language
Phone: 910-484-4156
Fax: 910-484-3175
The administration, faculty, and staff of Ashley Elementary have a vision of providing the best education possible for your child. We strive to create a global learning environment that is safe, supportive and nurturing. Our vision, aligned with that of the Cumberland County School system, is to empower all students to collaborate, compete, and succeed in an increasingly interconnected world
A place so exciting, that people are here by choice because they know the future of our high-tech global society depends on constant learning.
A place where high-quality student achievement is a self-imposed expectation for students and staff.
A place where leadership comes from many sources.
Our school governance is one of collaboration and consensus and is based on the strengths of all stakeholders: students, staff, parents, and the community.
At Ashley Elementary… we aspire for excellence and success in all we do!
Communications Foreign Language Choice Program “A Global Gateway School”
As a Global Gateway school, Ashley Elementary is committed to providing opportunities to develop teacher effectiveness in global education and for students to develop a global perspective.
Ashley Elementary is a School of Choice program that focuses on enhancing academic growth through the enrichment of Foreign Language and Communications Instruction. Teachers integrate all subject areas of the N.C. Standard Course of Study with relevant themes that support the School of Choice initiatives. Students are encouraged to think creatively and learn in an active, hands-on, problem-solving approach to the high-tech world around them. Academic rigor and differentiated instruction are provided during classroom lessons to ensure success and learning growth for all students.