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Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is open to all students – Students will compete in 25 different Science events. Students will need to be strong in 3 of the knowledge events to get into the competitive team.
The Science Olympiad Mission is:
To promote and improve student interest in science and to improve the quality of k-12 science education throughout the nation.
The Science Olympiad Vision To Accomplish This Mission is:
To create a passion for learning science by supporting elementary and secondary Science Olympiad tournaments at the building, district, county, state, and national levels with an emphasis on teamwork and a commitment to excellence.
To improve the quality of K-12 science education throughout the nation by changing the way science is perceived and the way it is taught (with an emphasis on problem-solving and hands-on, minds-on constructivist learning practices). This goal is accomplished through in-depth core curriculum training workshops and the distribution of curriculum materials to thousands of teachers.
To celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievement of both students and teachers in the areas of science and technology by awarding thousands of certificates, medals, trophies, and scholarships.
To promote partnerships among the community, businesses, industry, government, and education.
The Specific Purposes Of Science Olympiad Tournaments Are:
To bring science to life, to show how science works, to emphasize problem-solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts.
To develop teamwork and cooperative learning strategies among students.
To make science education more exciting, which will encourage more students to enroll in science courses and engage in other science activities like science reading, fairs, meetings, and field trips.
To promote high levels of achievement and a commitment to excellence, to demonstrate that American students can perform at levels that surpass expectations of even practicing scientists and engineers.
To attract more students, particularly females and minorities to professional and technical careers in science, technology, and science teaching.

DNN is a broadcast produced by Ashley students that shares the day's events, advertises upcoming events, announces birthdays and other pertinent school information. The students collaborate to create the school’s daily broadcast in English and Spanish. The jobs our students are responsible for are anchors, scrollers, graphic technicians, and music.

Flag Patrol
Students who participate in Flag Patrol learn how to properly raise and lower the American and NC state flags at the front of our school building and are responsible for doing so each morning and afternoon. This is an important and highly honored leadership position at Ashley Elementary.

Chorus is an outstanding musical program offered at Ashley Elementary that offers our students the opportunity to sing and perform. Our chorus students have participated in multiple shows, such as Barnes and Noble Night, All County Chorus, Winter School performances and Ashley's Dinner Theater.

Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol is a school program that promotes leadership and responsibility to facilitate safety for all of our students.

Battle of the Books
The purpose of the Battle of the Books program is to encourage reading at the elementary school level. Fourth and fifth grade students are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints by prominent authors in the area of children’s literature. A team of students competes against other CCS schools in a game format that creates interest and excitement in reading.
The Battle of the Books team meets once a week after school on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30 until 3:30 in the media center once the team is formed.