Exit Proficiency Expectations for Middle School

Below are exit proficiency expectations for Spanish Immersion and Heritage programs at the middle school level. Proficiency expectations for all other world language courses of study at the middle school level can be found by clicking on the high school link to the right of this page. Proficiency expectations begin at Level I, 135-150 hours, and continue through the 12th grade level. Levels I and II have the most general application to the middle school world language courses of study.

Exit Proficiency Expectations for Spanish Immersion Programs

MODE and Skill:

Interpretive Listening

K-2 2nd Grade-Novice High
3-5 5th Grade-Intermediate Low-Mid
6-8 8th Grade-Intermediate Mid-High
9-12 12th Grade-Advanced Low-Mid

 Interpretive Reading

K-2 2nd Grade-Novice High
3-5 5th Grade-Intermediate Low-Mid
6-8 8th Grade-Intermediate Mid-High
9-12 12th Grade-Advanced Low-Mid

Interpersonal Person-to-person

K-2 2nd Grade-Novice High
3-5 5th Grade-Intermediate Low-Mid
6-8 8th Grade-Intermediate Mid-High
9-12 12th Grade-Advanced Low-Mid

 Interpersonal Speaking

K-2 2nd Grade-Novice Mid
3-5 5th Grade-Intermediate Low-Mid
6-8 8th Grade-Intermediate Mid-High
9-12 12th Grade-Advanced Low-Mid

Presentational Writing

K-2 2nd Grade-Novice Mid
3-5 5th Grade-Intermediate Low-Mid
6-8 8th Grade-Intermediate Mid-High
9-12 12th Grade-Advanced Low-Mid

Exit Proficiency Expectations for Spanish for Native Speakers

Mode and Skill:

Interpretive Listening
Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid

 Interpretive Reading
Novice Mid-High Novice Mid-High

 Interpersonal Person-to-person
Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid 

 Interpersonal Speaking
Novice Mid-High Intermediate Low

Presentational Writing
Novice Mid  Novice High

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2465 Gillespie St.
Fayetteville, NC 28306

Phone: 910-678-2407
Fax: 910-678-2666

Jinghong Qi
Curriculum Specialist 
Email Jinghong Qi